Today, My Son Watched TV...ALL DAY LONG!

Yup! You read that right. It is a beautiful sunny day outside and my 11-year-old son watched TV all day. Yes, ALL DAY! See, the thing is, it's ALWAYS sunny in southern California. It's rare that the rain pours down and we're called to stay in and veg-out. And I'm a firm believer that we all need to just veg-out, all day long, once in a while. Is this the norm in my house? No! We are constantly on the go, exploring, doing, joining, etc. We do things, like sports, sing in a choir, go to the beach, ride bikes, hike-well you get the idea-because we love them! Because they feed our minds, bodies and spirits. We do these things because sitting in front of the TV all day will rot your brain.

But will it? I don't have the research to support it, but I do have my gut instinct, my calm body and my relaxed mind to affirm that we're on the right track today. You see, summer is winding down. We have spent most of the summer on the go (a must to keep your sanity when you have an 11-year-old with non-stop energy). We've gone to the beach more times than we can count, went to outdoor movies and festivals, rode bikes, went camping, stayed up late and generally soaked up the dog-days of summer. In short, we had FUN this summer! And boy, can fun be exhausting!

Today, I'm teaching my son a valuable life lesson with our all-day TV-watching marathon. Through my example he's learning to slow down, rest his body, and that a non-productive day can be the best way to get your creative juices flowing. Hopefully, he'll grow into an adult who doesn't always have to be "producing" something. He'll be a man that knows the value of snuggling on the couch with his loved ones. Maybe, he won't feel a bit guilty for taking a lazy day, even when it's sunny outside. (Sorry mom, I know you were only trying to set a good example for me).

There's a bitter-sweetness to these last few days of summer. As a mother, I know how hectic the start of the school year can be, how it's basically a sprint until you get to the holidays. This year, my son will be starting middle school. This will bring it's own challenges, events and activities. None of those things are bad. There will be plenty of fun and adventures along the way. But, it will definitely be more stressful than it is right now. So for now, I'm going to sit on the couch and watch some bad "tween" TV with my favorite 11-year-old. I'm going to savor that he still wants to cuddle, still thinks I'm kinda cool and that we generally enjoy each other's company. Tomorrow will be another sunny day. And we'll meet it with a renewed sense of energy and wonder, thanks to our all-day TV marathon!

#TV #bingewatching #donothing #renew


Lazy Days of Summer?