Why Mindfulness?
So, you're a new parent? Or maybe you've been a parent for a while and feel like your parenting style isn't working. You've heard about mindfulness but you're not sure how it relates to your parenting? Keep reading! This blog is for you!
First, lets define mindfulness. The simplest definition I can find is from Jon Kabbit Zin. He states, mindfulness is..."paying attention, on purpose, to what is happening, as it's happening, without judgement, as if your life depended on it". And in my opinion, your life does depend on it! And so does your child's! When you become focused on the moment, without judgments, your heart rate lowers, your cortisol levels go down and by placing yourself in a relaxed, alert state, you create a space for your child to do the same. It is in this state that learning can occur. When a child is in fight or flight mode, not feeling safe or seen, learning cannot occur. It is your job as the parent to bring your child, through your example into this optimal state.
Here's how. Stop what you are doing. Notice the sights, sounds and smells around you. Pay attention to what your child is doing, seeing and/or feeling. What are they trying to communicate to you through their sounds, words, cries? From there you can respond/interact from a place of calm. Maybe you need to take a few slow, deep breathes? Maybe you need to smile (faking it has the same health benefit as a natural smile!), or maybe you need to simply be present with your child.
Today's busy world will call to you, distract you and pull you away from the present moment if you allow it. Make a decision today to incorporate "Mindful Moments" throughout your day. With practice, it will become easier and will occur more frequently. Your body will thank you and your child will thank you. If you're like me, maybe you need a reminder. Set reminders on your phone throughout the day to encourage you to be present, take a breath or simply notice your surroundings. Have a time of day that you're particularly stressed and not present for your child? Be sure to set a reminder for those times! Ahhhhhh...I feel more relaxed already!