I Need a Nap & You Do, Too!
Parenting is the most challenging job I have ever had! Just when I think I've got a handle on how to care for my child, he grows and changes and I have to adjust!! Phew! I'm exhausted. Can you relate? Between working, cooking, cleaning, working out (don't feel bad, I just started doing this 45 days ago), fitting in time with my loved ones and worrying about being the best parent I can be, I find myself struggling to keep my energy up. When I feel this tired and overwhelmed I have realized that I am no good to anyone in my home. I actually escalate situations that are really not a big deal. I lose my temper then later feel bad about it. Does this sound like you?
Well, I'm here to offer you a bit of advice. The dishes can wait. You're kids can skip their bath every once in a while, it's OK to put the TV on and go to your room for a 20 minute power nap. Wait, what? Did I just say NAP? Yes, I said it....it is OK to take a nap. Leave the dishes, don't worry about the toys on the floor, the laundry, or the presentation you have to finish for work. Stop what your're doing before you make a mistake, lose your temper, end up crying over split milk (literally) or actually succumb to all three at the same time. Explain to your children what you are doing, "Mommy is going to take care of herself and take a quick rest". Clearly tell them what you expect from them, "You must stay in the living room and play quietly". Then go to your bedroom (or the quietest room in the house), draw the blinds, set a timer on your phone and play some relaxing music. Close your eyes and take some deep belly breathes. Ahhhhh.....doesn't that feel good!
Now, I know what you're thinking. I don't have TIME for a nap...My kids would NEVER let me sleep for even a minute! I know, I know, I've had those same thoughts. But it's true, with guidance and practice, they will allow you a few minutes of rest. I began this practice when my son was about three years old. Now he looks forward to my nap times because he knows it means a little extra screen time for him (That's a strong currency in my household!). If your child is too young to be left unattended, follow the sage advice given to all new moms...sleep when the baby sleeps!
Somehow we've bought into the culture that says we need to do it all, have it all and post it all on social media! Follow the wisdom flight attendants share every time we fly..."Put the oxygen mask on yourself first". If you are gasping for air (literally or metaphorically) you are no good to the people around you who will need your help. This little bit of self care teaches your children that it's important to care for oneself, it teaches them patience (Do NOT interrupt mommy's nap) and resets your day. So go ahead, take a nap and enjoy the benefits of a calmer more relaxed household. Because let's face it, when mommy is cranky, NO ONE is happy! Happy napping!! Zzzzzzzz......