You're in Time Out: You've earned it!
Because of an unexpected day off, I found myself with a few hours all to myself with no particular agenda. Did I get started on my "to do" list ? No! Did I complete my meal prep for the week? No! Did I catch up on phone calls? No! Now don't get me wrong. I had a "to do" list a mile long, calls to make and food to cook. But I also had this burning desire to take a time out. Rather than a time out for bad behavior, I gave my self a time out to reflect, dream and just sit.
Guess what?! I gained some clarity on a work question that's been plaguing me. I got more clear about the direction I want to move in my career and I lowered my blood pressure by simply focusing on the moment.
At the end of it, (the time out lasted about 45 minutes) I asked myself, "Why don't I do this more often?" "How can I create more so called non-productive time?"
Unfortunately I don't have all the answers...yet! But I'm ruminating on it. I was reminded today, whenever we sit quietly, ask the questions of our heart and open ourselves up to the universe's whispers, the answers always come. So take a time out today. You've earned it! Keep the guilt out of the moment, ignore your "to do" list and just Be.